VBusiness Software & Solutions together with AWS and Veeam isā€Æconductingā€Æanā€Æin-depth sessionā€Æfocused onĀ Backup Best Practices on AWS. This will be held onĀ September 2nd, 2022, Friday, fromĀ 10:00 am to 03:00 pm. In this session, you will learn the following:

  • AWS Backup Solutions and Best Practices for Your Organization
  • Veeam features and advantages for data protection on your backup on AWS
  • VBusiness solutions overview for your Backup and Cloud Journey

Event Location:

AWS Philippines Office 15th Floor, Arthaland Corporation,
5th Avenue, corner 30th St, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig

Renita Entuna –Ā Account Manager (VBusiness)
JP AlcalaĀ ā€“ Solutions Architect (AWS)
Rencar Diego –Ā Chanel Manager (Veeam)
Jerome MariƱo –Ā Systems Enginner (Veeam)

Program details:
9am Registration | Breakfast
10am-10:30am VBusiness Solutions Overview (Ren, VBusiness)
10:30 to 11:15am AWS Backup Best Practices (Sir JP, AWS)
11:15am to 12nn: Veeam Backup on AWS, Features and Use Case (c/o Veeam)

12nn LUNCH

1pm to 1:30pm Veeam Demo/Technical Presentation
1:30 pm to 2pm: Q&A | Closing

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